CCV | Cell Component Visualization
ccv is currently being developed by caltech's thomson lab, with the goal of creating a light-weight flexible modular environment, capable of driving, monitoring, and enabling exploration of complex codes. ccv was designed around caltech/thomsonlab's popalign cell analysis python suite, though it can easily be extended to any other field with simmilar requirements.
ccv is available via github. the server is python based, while the client is javascript. a central script --and other tools-- are also provided to quickly launch server a client from a simple/single command.
extending server
extending ccv server side capabilities can be done in two ways. the first is by simply adding new actions capable of reading/accessing, processing, and serving/storing data, or by wrapping a set of tools (such as PopALIGN or ImageMagick) and making them accessible to the front end.

method 1: new action

to create a new action you must perform 3 steps. (1) registering the action, (2) importing the action code/module, (3) calling the action when needed.
    # ccv_****_********

method 2: new tool set

importing a new toolset is similar to importing a single action, except that it is better to manage all calls to that module from a center manager or concierge. PopALIGN and ImageMagick toolsets are a great example how these can be used.
    # ccvToolConcierge::ImageMagick
  • [iVu] projects/iVu
  • [pyre]
  • [nodered]
  • [popalign]
  • [scrappy]
  • [ovs+tumor]

  • team
    santiago lombeyda | lead, design, server code, client code, site
    matt thomson | project manager
    sisi chen | case study subject expert
    paul rivaud | popalign development
    david brown | scrapp development
  • initial explorations funded by Amgen
  • development funded by the Chen Zuckerberg Initiative